How I Turned My Passion Into A Profitable Side Hustle? | Love What You Do or Do What You Love?

Your passion will lead you a long way in achieving success and can make you get rich as well. Do you love your current job? Are you satisfied with what you do or do you always find yourself feeling frustrated and complaining about things around you? I know, many of you wouldn't agree that it is your job which is making you feel this way! But the truth is here, Most of you would be feeling excited and happy when you joined your first job just after college. The excitement was mainly influenced by the new work, new schedule, new people, and most importantly, the paycheck you receive every month! At that time you were full of enthusiasm to work hard in your job but later after years gone, you started feeling like you are a robot with a fixed schedule and emotions. Actually, the reason behind this in most cases (though not in all) is that earlier you were influenced by your corporate life, the newness, the feel, and the salaries you get when you join; however,...